Monday, 27 April 2009

May Highlights!

May is going to be an eventful month for me and dear.
First day of the month is a public holiday. Hence, we will be getting our much needed rest from all the stress we have. On that day, I will have to submit my VLE essay...but thank God, I have finished it months ago...XD

EXAMS!The next on my May list...dreading it but looking forward to get it over and done with...I have been studying my butt off for seconds, minutes, hours, weeks and months!...all the cases, legislation, theories, principle etc...I do not just need to understand it but I have to MEMORIZE all of them...
Really need divine favor!

Paul's wedding! In the midst of my exams, I will be flying down to KL to attend Paul Lau's wedding!...though I won;'t be having much time for shopping but I always love weddings..They are just so pretty...And finally seeing Paul walking down the aisle...Is just so amazing!..

Adding to my KL trip, I will getting my FIRST baby!... not going to say much about it now... But thinking of my baby makes me feel so ecstatic! I feel like jumping all over and scream... I am sounding like a mad woman... Honestly, I am going mad! I dream about Public Law, Criminal Law, Common Law and Contract Law....Sometimes I see stars all around...currently, I can admit myself in an asylum... On the other note, I am insanely confessing that I can do it(pass or get a 60++)... If I ever get the scholarship to London, I will be crazily shopping!...*dear will and is going to faint!*
Coming back to my baby, I will blog about it when I have it in my hands...hehehehe...

May also marks the month of freedom!..madamoiselle will free! more exams... Can send all memories about exams into the recycle bin...recycle my books...Oooo...I will hopping around once its OVER!...

Next, I can go to church as usual again!....Since the exam fever, classes schedule has gone hay-wire...everyday STUDY STUDY STUDY!...why did I choose law?....I ended up being a NERD!...even Joel also say I am nerd...How wonderful!

For now, I need to STUDY STUDY STUDY and be a nerd...I want to pass and move on!...Screw negative thoughts and arrogant examiners! You are not going to stop me from doing well!...only God can determine my future... so KEEP AWAY!

*p.s. I am officially insane!...I think McNaughten's Rule will 100% fit me...

1 comment:

Nabila Jamil said...

McNaughten will fit me perfectly. I almost blow my head off the other day studying public law. Anyways, all the best to you ((: