these few months,in fact it has been nearly a year since I hide from God. I know this may sound cliche but it is the fact. Every time I go to church, I just put a smile on my face and just letting the problem lay behind my mind. Life was always good and God was so faithful but I have been selfish as I put my own dreams and worldly desires swarm me. Actually this was how it begun...
The year was 2006 and that was when we had Cheq Up conference. The second night, the pastor asked if anyone of you felt led by God to serve full-time, come and I will pray for you. The speaker prophesied that I would be a minister and my heart is for our church. That was 2 years ago....when my SPM results were out, I started laying off my calling and pursued my dreams...I knew I was going down the wrong road but I held on. College life was hard and I even stopped going for a while for I really felt like Jonah running away from God. Time to time when I go for altar calls, the Lord will prophesied again about my calling and in my heart, I can hear Him say 'When will you serve me?'...I really didn't know how to answer. As time goes by, God was something far away and my heart got stony and cold...As I worked on my own dreams, God was still faithful, I did well for my A-Levels and lecturers were shocked as I did self study. Daily, I will dream of getting rich, having my kids dressed in beautiful clothes, have a walked-in closet, my very own BMW, a great home and sending my kids to private school and overseas...lastly, I even went further in going against God's will when I decided to go to UK and live there permanently. Whenever I think of that, the thought of losing all my desires once I serve God will flood my mind....I seriously knew that I have went wrong, but yet still reluctant to turn back....
Today, I saw people being tormented by spirits...since young, my dad told me stories about deliverance based on his experiences...don't play with my dad,though he is a smart business man, he did deliverance before and he got certificate from Bible school for leadership...I knew spirits were real as I have seen it before...but yet, I am still stubborn. Today one of my college mate got delivered and again, God asked me bout my calling. Today, I decided to not be Jonah anymore. Pastor Rajan, again confirmed God's calling,he said that I was meant to reached out to the lost souls in Penang. NOW, I seriously need prayers...I need to make major decisions in my life...mock exams are next week and then I will have my finals...if I have to quit law, I need wisdom to break the news to my mind s still confused...just pray for me...
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
About farting...
This is own experience. And really works k. Try it if you have the time. Well, I was in a bus. Quite a lot of ppl actually. Then accidentally "kentut". Hey, cannot blame me le. Malaysian road like shit. The stupid bus pang pung pang up and down the road. So, chun chun got smell. But, stay calm. Then i look around to spot my target. FOR?. Ok. I look at the guy and started like fanning my hand in front of my nose. Know what i mean. Walaoeh, everyone look at him and started doing the same thing. Hahaz. Man, that time i feel like a pro. Seriously, AMAZING!. I tried in lifts, escalators, bus stops n etc. ALL WORKS!!!...
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Some contoh of SMS. Got dirty ones also but betta not put.
forgettin you is hard to do
forgettin me is up to you
forget me not
forget me never
forget this message
but not the sender
God in heaven,
God above
please protect the one i love,
sent with a smile,
sealed with a kiss,
I love the one who is reading this
I love you up from heaven
down to the ground
I'm really glad
to have you found
Good time,
bad time,
night time,
day time,
work time,
off time,
sad time,
happy time,
in the mean time i'm thinking of you all the time.
U can fall from the sky
U can fall from a tree
But the best way to fall
is in love with me.
here's my halo
made of glass
mess with me
and i'll kick ur ass
forgettin you is hard to do
forgettin me is up to you
forget me not
forget me never
forget this message
but not the sender
God in heaven,
God above
please protect the one i love,
sent with a smile,
sealed with a kiss,
I love the one who is reading this
I love you up from heaven
down to the ground
I'm really glad
to have you found
Good time,
bad time,
night time,
day time,
work time,
off time,
sad time,
happy time,
in the mean time i'm thinking of you all the time.
U can fall from the sky
U can fall from a tree
But the best way to fall
is in love with me.
here's my halo
made of glass
mess with me
and i'll kick ur ass
Friday, 14 March 2008
Careful ppl of PG...
As this post is written, Penang well is in like a funny situation. Downtown Penang (Komtar area) is having like somekind of riot or "unhappy ppl showdown". You guessed it alright. About the previous election thingy. So take care and be more careful. Try not to be close to town if possible as well as other places...
Random JOKE...
Posh Fart
A woman walks into a shop that sells expensive Persian Rugs.
Looking around, she spots the perfect rug, walks over and inspects it.
As she bends to feel the texture of the rug she farts loudly.
Very embarrassed she looks around nervously to see if anyone has noticed her 'little accident' and hopes a sales person does not pop up right now.
As she turns back, there standing next to her is a salesman. "Good day Ma'am, how may we help you today?"
Very uncomfortably she asks, "How much does this rug cost?"
He answers, "Lady if you farted just touching it, you're gonna crap your pants when you hear what the price is."
A woman walks into a shop that sells expensive Persian Rugs.
Looking around, she spots the perfect rug, walks over and inspects it.
As she bends to feel the texture of the rug she farts loudly.
Very embarrassed she looks around nervously to see if anyone has noticed her 'little accident' and hopes a sales person does not pop up right now.
As she turns back, there standing next to her is a salesman. "Good day Ma'am, how may we help you today?"
Very uncomfortably she asks, "How much does this rug cost?"
He answers, "Lady if you farted just touching it, you're gonna crap your pants when you hear what the price is."
updating for d sake of it....
since jimmy requested for an update so i shall just comply...Wednesday was jimmy's latest addiction's birthday aka just wanna wish her blessed belated exams are coming and I m burning midnight oil...recently i really hate 2 old man and my lecturer...not that i ever liked them but who cares?...they r driving me nuts...but 'hate' is a word too strong to describe thinks that i m a Christian and must have higher standards and because of her 'holiness' as a catholic and a priest's daughter...she just insults other's religions and beliefs like nobody's business....and because i m a Christian and some church member that told her my boy friend's dad s a pastor...i officially becomes her topic of attention!...she insults my friends by saying that they are bad influence,which its so not true....and when i help my friend during class,i get scolding for not letting my friend use her own brains! can someone not help an individual that lost??????...wat the?...ppl in my class now classified Christians as meanies....i so dun wanna be associated with her....real s*** dad's staff ran away so now i muz face apek that blames me for everything including the malfunctioned printer!.....i m going thru stress....real stress...
and guess what?...before I left class, she told me I m getting naughty!....its not like I am horny or was just because I elbowed my friend in class....what am i supposed to do when a guy asked me to call her?...i m so PISSED!!!!cant wait to leave the so called PTPL...ugh!***@#**%%%!!!!!
*just letting go my frustration*
and guess what?...before I left class, she told me I m getting naughty!....its not like I am horny or was just because I elbowed my friend in class....what am i supposed to do when a guy asked me to call her?...i m so PISSED!!!!cant wait to leave the so called PTPL...ugh!***@#**%%%!!!!!
*just letting go my frustration*
Saturday, 8 March 2008
the tsunami of change....
As we know, today marks a new beginning for our small island.DAP has taken over our state constituency but will they change according to what we expected or vice versa?Change is always good but only God holds the future.Malaysia is a country whereby we are able to practice the freedom of religion;have it crossed your mind what if one day our 'new government' goes against our constitution and forbids us to believe or practice our specific religion?All this leads to one thing-the second coming of Christ.I totally agreed with what Steph said today.Why are we sitting on the bench and watch our peers fall into the pit of darkness and of death?If we were to meet God today,will we be worthy of Him or will we see tears of disappointment in His eyes?The bible said we are accountable of the blood of those souls that we failed or took granted of.We often tell our friends that 'Oh!I love you.' or 'Oh!You are my bestest friend on earth'. However,how could we love them so much that we are not able to tell them bout God and of how real is heaven and hell?We,youth tend to think that telling others about salvation is uncool. How can God be uncool when He laid down His life on the cross and bore the sins of mankind on His shoulder. The Bible said that a true friend will be willing to die for his friend. Isn't God a true friend?Whatever religion we believe, we believe that there is a God. I am not in the position to criticize the beliefs of my dear friends. However, I have tasted the goodness of Christ and I can assure you with my life that God is a good and great God. Christ died for us and now, what should we do to repay God's goodness?God doesn't need the works of us as well as our wealth,our deeds or our actions to make Him kingly or His will be done.We are just vessels that are chosen to be used. Stop thinking that the church will be gone without our attendance. If you don't pick up the task,another individual will have the privilege to serve the Almighty. And when judgment day comes,you will be accountable for it.
As i look back, God's hands have always be in my and Joe's life but at times I admit I do take Him for granted,take salvation for granted and take my own life for granted. I miss the time whereby I saw Jesus in a vision and of course, that time the devil was out to get me that I saw satan several times....but all in all, God is forever faithful.It is going to be 5 more years whereby the new government will rule and reign. Let us not sit on the fence and just watch but instead pray. Pray for peace,preservation of freedom of religion,the lost to know God and the coming of Christ. We must be prepare for His coming as He comes like a thief in the night.Well,let us just treasure our lives,our loved ones and most of all our friends who are non-believers.
*I want to take this opportunity to express my love to...if i miss you out,don't take it personally...
2)my lou gong
3)my parents
5)Joe and Evan
6)Ama...though she's a little senile but I totally love her and she's getting baptised in March!yay!I used to persuade her to become a Christian since a child and now,FINALLY...all praise be unto the Lord!
7)my extended family(either related or connected)
8)my best girl friends : Pris,Denise,Nabila,Ann Ann,Steph,Sabri,Man Yoke(Alexis),Rach,Emily,Belle,Cath
9)childhood friends : Jimmy,Kon Way...
10)all IGNITE! youth friends(eg,Momo,Gabriel,Vivian,Veryn,Alarise....)
11)konco-konco from CGL
12)college friends
13)everyone i know!
hehex....though i may know you but not personally....I want to tell you that Christ loves you and my love to anyone is insignificant compared to His....God loves you all!
As i look back, God's hands have always be in my and Joe's life but at times I admit I do take Him for granted,take salvation for granted and take my own life for granted. I miss the time whereby I saw Jesus in a vision and of course, that time the devil was out to get me that I saw satan several times....but all in all, God is forever faithful.It is going to be 5 more years whereby the new government will rule and reign. Let us not sit on the fence and just watch but instead pray. Pray for peace,preservation of freedom of religion,the lost to know God and the coming of Christ. We must be prepare for His coming as He comes like a thief in the night.Well,let us just treasure our lives,our loved ones and most of all our friends who are non-believers.
*I want to take this opportunity to express my love to...if i miss you out,don't take it personally...
2)my lou gong
3)my parents
5)Joe and Evan
6)Ama...though she's a little senile but I totally love her and she's getting baptised in March!yay!I used to persuade her to become a Christian since a child and now,FINALLY...all praise be unto the Lord!
7)my extended family(either related or connected)
8)my best girl friends : Pris,Denise,Nabila,Ann Ann,Steph,Sabri,Man Yoke(Alexis),Rach,Emily,Belle,Cath
9)childhood friends : Jimmy,Kon Way...
10)all IGNITE! youth friends(eg,Momo,Gabriel,Vivian,Veryn,Alarise....)
11)konco-konco from CGL
12)college friends
13)everyone i know!
hehex....though i may know you but not personally....I want to tell you that Christ loves you and my love to anyone is insignificant compared to His....God loves you all!
Thursday, 6 March 2008
To My Darrrrling...
Hello!. Well,before another day ends in minutes time, jz wanna say i LOVE ya!... And your driving is improving well. Keep it up alright!!!...
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Monday, 3 March 2008
New comp...
Well, after my stolen notebook incident, really needed a comp to work with. So i asked parents if there is a budget for another comp. Not a notebook but jz a desktop. Dad said yes, so what else mom could say. Hahaz Went scouting around. Before that, jz search the web to see whats new on the hardware market. wow. Really lots lots lots of things to chose from. BUT, not cheap. All i needed was jz a normal PC. Nothing super powerful of fancy.(Thought of having one actually). But next time i earn my own money only get. So, places to buy the hardware. Dear was a great help. She help me chose the parts as well. Ho liow le. Nothing good but these are the specs.
-AMD Athlon64X2 Dual-Core processor
-Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4
-Power Colour ATI Radeon X1550 256MBGddr2 - 64bit
-(x2)1GB Kingston 667Mhz
-160GB Western Digital 7200rpm
-Trendsonic casing (Included 450W - non true power)
-(x1)Cooler Master system cooler fan
-(x1)Cooler fan extracted from old power supply
Till now, not much problem. Only thing is over heating. CPU is fine. But the builted-in heatsink is the major problem. DAMN hot ah. Hehex. Getting that fixed. So far, tried Crysis and NFS Pro Street. All low specs on the game.
Thanks Dear for helping me out.
***An update. Pc cost around RM1920*** Total

-AMD Athlon64X2 Dual-Core processor
-Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4
-Power Colour ATI Radeon X1550 256MBGddr2 - 64bit
-(x2)1GB Kingston 667Mhz
-160GB Western Digital 7200rpm
-Trendsonic casing (Included 450W - non true power)
-(x1)Cooler Master system cooler fan
-(x1)Cooler fan extracted from old power supply
Till now, not much problem. Only thing is over heating. CPU is fine. But the builted-in heatsink is the major problem. DAMN hot ah. Hehex. Getting that fixed. So far, tried Crysis and NFS Pro Street. All low specs on the game.
Thanks Dear for helping me out.
***An update. Pc cost around RM1920*** Total
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