- Slow down - just follow the speed limit
- Check your tire pressure - at least once a month, in cool condition.
- accelerate moderately
- turn off air conditioner - (only applicable at night)
- keep the original - don’t upgrade your car with fancy rim or tyre
- reduce your car weight
- downsize - use a smaller car (CLK? Cute Little Kancil.)
- Don’t drive - those without driving license don’t spend much on fuel
- Avoid extremely high speeds
- Don’t brake hard
- Keep windows closed at high speed (of course with air-con on)
- Service vehicle regularly
- Maintaining a constant speed
- Avoid long idles - turn it off if it is going to be idle for more than 1 minute
- Warming up engine is not necessary
- Be sure the automatic choke is disengaged after engine warm up
- Buy fuel during coolest time of day - early morning or late evening is the best.
- Use credit card with fuel rebate
- Never fill gas tank past the first “click” of fuel nozzle, if nozzle is automatic.
- Manual shift driven cars allow you to change to highest gear as soon as possible, thereby letting you save fuel.
- Think ahead when approaching hills. If you accelerate, do it before you reach the hill, not while you’re on it.
- Avoid rough roads whenever possible - dirt or gravel rob you of up to 30% of your fuel mileage.
- Use alternate roads when safer, shorter, straighter.
- Place gear into neutral position when waiting at traffic light
- Park car so that you can later begin to travel in forward gear
- Inspect suspension and chassis parts for occasional misalignment.
- Set air conditioners to auto if available
- Car pools reduce travel monotony and fuel expense
- Do whatever possible online, by phone etc such as banking, document delivery, shopping etc
- when filling up, don’t squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to the fastest mode
- Fill up when your tank is half full
- Sometime it is worth to pay the toll
- Look further to anticipate obstacle - don’t tailgate
- Park at shaded car park - save your air-con
- No unnecessary external accessories
- Monitor your odometer or tripmeter
- Use K-link fuel saver? If it really works, you don’t have to advertise it in this desperate situation.
- Plan ahead by combining your errands into one trip
- Plan your trips so you go out during less-congested times of day.
- Work from home
- Take public transportation (I am just kidding)
- Cycling to work - it might be better than taking the public transportation
- Use NGV - read this real experience by Fathersez
- When going downhill, ease your throttle down and work with gravity to build up speed.
- Move nearer to your work place
- Use cruise control only on flat road
- When there is a timer on traffic light showing “99″ seconds and stays still, off your engine.
- Scrap your car if all the above fail.
- Buy BMW (men lap iu) or Mercedes (men siu lee) - This is a joke if you know Hokkien.